Save the Date: YAC (Youth Annual Conference) – March 2-4, 2012


CCYM logoThe Conference Council on Youth Ministries (CCYM) hosts YAC as a forum for legislation, action and study on relevant issues pertaining to the United Methodist Church, both locally and denominationally. Each local church is encouraged to bring at least six voting youth and two youth alternates (8th grade and up)…but bring as many as you want! Dates / Times:

Friday, March 2 – Sunday, March 4, 2012

Learn more about The United Methodist Church.  Through legislation, elections, study, worship and fellowship we learn more about how The United Methodist Church functions in living out the gospel of Jesus Christ in the world.

 Leadership Training.  We learn more through the experience of elections and legislation how to lead our congregations as the Christian leaders of today.

Legislative process.  Issues may be presented, debated and voted upon according to the operating procedures of the Youth Annual Conference (YAC). YAC Legislative Worksheet

Elections.  Conference Council on Youth Ministries (CCYM) will have eight at-large representatives that are elected from among the body of the YAC. Candidates must be in the 8th grade but not yet in the 12th grade. The term of office for these representatives shall be until they graduate. CCYM Self Nomination Include a Recent Photo with your Application.

Choose Youth Service Fund (YSF) Projects.  The selection of Youth Service Fund (YSF) projects for the succeeding year is determined by an open nomination and election process of the YAC delegations. YSF Recommendation Form

Register NOW:

YAC Registration

The director will be Kelly Carpenter, North Texas Conference Youth Ministry Coordinator (972-526-5075 or