MidWinter 2018

MidWinter Retreats 2018
MidWinter 1 and MidWinter 2 registrations have closed.
MidWinter 1
January 26-28, 2018, at Bridgeport Camp
MidWinter 2
February 9-11, 2018, at Bridgeport Camp
Join us for a weekend of exciting teaching, relevant messages and powerful music in an inviting community. These are mixed MidWinters — both junior high and senior high are invited.
Cost is $110 per person until December 29, 2017. Adults and students all pay the same price.
Late registration will be available for $130 until January 16, 2018 (MidWinter 1), and January 29, 2018 (MidWinter 2).
Check-in is from 8:00 p.m.-8:45 p.m. on Friday night. We conclude by 11:30 a.m. on Sunday.
You must bring 1 adult for every 1-7 youth. Please note gender ratios of youth to adults (i.e. bringing 7 girls and 1 male adult makes cabin assignments difficult).
ALL Adults must register, pay and submit their MinistrySafe certificate (valid for two years from time completed), signed medical release and completed background check (completed within one year of the last day you are attending retreat). For example from MW 1 the background check must have been completed since Jan. 28, 2016. Please return all of this information to Chelsea at the camp: info@bridgeportcamp.org.
ALL students must have a signed medical release. Also, please send to Chelsea at the camp: info@bridgeportcamp.org.