Midwinter 2013 Registration is Now Open!

MidWinter 2013 Registration is NOW OPEN!
MidWinter 1 – January 25-27, 2013
MidWinter 2 – February 8-10, 2013
Cost $120.00
Early Bird $100.00 (by January 5, 2013)
Registration Deadline (MidWinter 1): January 16, 2013
Registration Deadline (MidWinter 2): January 30, 2013
Register for MidWinter! To register as an adult, you must be a minimum of 18 years old.
Midwinter retreats are sponsored and led by our Conference Council on Youth Ministry. Join us for a weekend of exciting teaching, relevant messages and powerful music in an inviting community. These are mixed Midwinters, both junior high and senior high are invited.
For more information on MidWinter 2013, please click here.